The plan is to build a digitally inclusive and sustainable Africa, and a meeting between ministers and delegates this week in Cape Town outlined a plan of action for South Africa.
The Ministers of Communication and Digital Technologies from Uganda, South Africa, and Kenya, along with member states of the African Telecommunications Union, met in Cape Town at the African Ministerial Forum to accelerate progress toward achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal across Africa of sustainable and intelligent connections for all.
Their collective pledge was to reaffirm their commitment to a digital landscape that is both inclusive and sustainable, reflecting key trends of intelligence, digitization, and decarbonization.
The ministerial forum penned the following commitments and outcomes:
- Policy development for integration of renewable energy and digital technologies.
Policies that support the convergence of renewable energy with digital technology are expected to create an environment for private sector engagement to ensure a desired sustainable digital infrastructure development.
- Investment in robust digital infrastructure
There’s a plan to invest in expanding essential digital infrastructure, including 4G and 5G networks, optical fiber systems and cloud data centers.
- The promotion of green energy solutions
The development of solar microgrids to provide eco-friendly, reliable power to rural communities seems to be on the plan forward.
- Advancement of digital services
- Strengthening of public and private as well as international partnerships
- Capacity building and digital literacy programs.
The ministers all agreed to review progress on these commitments in subsequent meetings to ensure the shared vision of a digitally inclusive and sustainable Africa.