Here’s something interesting that could arguably be an alternative to solar power installations in the future.
Known as the Liam F1 UWT wind turbine, this innovative solution to power generation comes ready to prove a point as a competent solution to electricity generation.
South Africa is a solid case study for electricity generation, migration, and alternative solution acquisition. The Liam F1 UWT wind turbine looks appealing to locals who still use certain load-shedding apps, just in case recurring power outages become a present challenge.
Known as the select wind turbine, at a diameter of 1.5 meters and a weight of less than 100kg, the Scottish-made Liam F1 turbine created by The Archimedes takes the concept of wind power up a notch.
This latest concept is small enough to install on a roof, can generate between 300 and 2 500 kWh of power, and doesn’t require much space, unlike most US traditional wind turbines.
There’s a need for smaller, animal-friendly solutions and the Liam F1 turbine appears to be ticking some competitive boxes as an alternative for power generation. With a helical design, the Archimedean Spiral-shaped silent turbine is designed to adjust to wind direction changes to maximize the use of available air currents. Reports indicate an average of 1500kWh per year with winds at a speed of 5 m/s.
It might be too early to rule out solar power, due to the solar market’s consistent growth since recurrent power outages post-COVID-19, but consumers always welcome some competition, especially when that competition promises to save the consumer some much-needed rands.